We're not in Puppyhood any more Toto

Did you wake up one morning in the land of Oz-- you know that place where Toto runs off and gets into trouble and sometimes it seems like your puppy no longer has a brain and emotions burst out at the drop of a hat!   

I clearly remember the moment my current puppy left the land of sweet puppyhood and willfully headed off into the land of Oz (AKA adolescence).  It cued her to go into her crate just like she did every night at bed time.  But this time, she looked at me, cocked her head to the side, and you could see the wheels turning as (for the first time in her little life) as realized "I don't actually want to do that" and then further realized "I think I can make a choice".  

You see that's a part of what adolescents is all about, the animal suddenly realizing they can make choices.  That and a whole lot of crazy changes to the brain, changes to the body and changes to the dog's hormones and neurons.  Adolescence can be a wild ride, don't worry.  We go you covered!  You may not be able to click your heals and go back to puppyhood, but with some patience, boundaries, and training you'll make it through and have a dog with a brain, courage, and a heart of gold.